British Columbia Chinese Music Association 20th Anniversary

Published by timchan on



The 20th anniversary of 

BC Chinese Music Association (BCCMA) BC Chinese Orchestra (BCCO)

~~~ 廿載絲竹楓葉情 ~~~

** 誠懇邀請所有尊敬的新, 舊團員及親友們, 踴躍參加慶祝成立廿週年盛典的活動 **


為了慶祝成立二十週年,【庇詩中樂協會】計劃有三個音樂會活動,誠懇邀請所有各位 / 團員提意見,安排時間,出席排練參加演出分享您們貢獻的

1/ 2015516日星期六在UBC陳氏演藝中心舉辦廿載絲竹楓葉情音樂會,初步建議 合奏: 匯演歷年具有代表性及最受團員及觀眾歡迎的中樂,初提議


協奏曲: 嗩呐 吳忠喜 ( 花木蘭関廼忠 ) 、中阮 江革玲 ( 塞外音詩顧冠仁 )

小組: 吹、弹、拉、打 各一首

樂隊/合唱 : 庇詩青年中樂團 / 庇詩兒童合唱團

2/ 2015530星期六在小女皇劇院 天鵝熊貓音樂會, 庇詩青年中樂團及庇詩兒童合 十首新編樂曲, 已獲卑诗省藝委員會青年創意基金赞助項目

3/ 2015820 25日,庇詩中樂團應邀前往愛民頓與卡加里演出音樂會。行程包括旅遊、聯歡及與當他文化團體交流演出,是甚有意義的慶祝活動

日期、地点:2015-8-22 Saturday Winspear Centre, Edmonton

                       2015-8-23 Sunday Jack Singer Hall, Calgary

初步建議 選奏廿載絲竹楓葉情樂會部分内容,約半埸節目




加拿大庇詩省中樂協會 會長 黎焯明

The BCCMA and BCCO orchestra has been established for 20 years since 1995 ! Over the years by the virtue and hard work of music enthusiasts, professional musicians and the young generation, we achieved the objective concept of promoting Chinese music culture, providing performing and learning platforms, improving in the development of Chinese music, sharing beautiful Chinese music in the mainstream and all walks of life, coinciding with Canada’s multicultural policy and contributing back to the community !

To celebrate the 20th anniversary, BCCMA has planned three concerts activity and invited sincerely all the OLD and NEW members to provide advice, arrange timing to attend the rehearsals / performances, and share the results of your contribution !

1 / May 16, 2015 Saturday 20th Anniversary Concert at Chan Centre of UBC :

Orchestra : Great Wall Capriccio, Jasmine, Sketches of Tibetans at Sichuan,

Taiwan Capriccio, etc.

Concerto : Lady Hua Mu-Lan / Wu Zhong-Xi – Suona

Music Poem at the Frontier / Gelina Jiang – Zhongruan

Ensemble : Bow, Pluck, Wind, Percussion, Cantonese music

Ensemble / Choir : BC Youth Chinese Orchestra / BC Children’s Choir

2 / May 30, 2015 Saturday Vancouver Playhouse Soaring Geese and Singing Pandas by BC Youth Chinese Orchestra / BC Children’s Choir joining perform 10 pieces of newly arranged music funded by BC Arts Council Youth Creative Pilot Program.

3/ August 20 to 25, 2015 BCCO was invited to perform two concerts at Edmonton and

Calgary. Trip includes travel, parties and cultural exchanges performance with local musicians and artistic groups of which will be very meaningful celebration activity !

Date, Venue : 2015-8-22 Saturday – Winspear Centre, Edmonton
2015-8-23 Sunday – Jack Singer Hall, Calgary

Initial program: BCCO will play about half the program selected from the 20th anniversary concert and other half with local musicians and cultural groups, including ensemble and choir.

In the local mainstream cultural and social environment coupled with the lack of resources and manpower, these 20 years of hard growth is the precious achievements of the concentric force by all the participants and members ! May we all cherish the result with continuous efforts to develop further ahead.

Sincerely thank you for your enthusiastic participation over the years and I hope you will continue to support the development of the Chinese music culture in Canada !

Bill C.M. Lai President, BCCMA



20th Anniversary wording

Poster 1Poster 2

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