The Daffodil Concert

Published by timchan on

B.C. Chinese Music Association  ~  B.C. Chinese Orchestra

20th Anniversary Celebration

~~~   The Daffodil Concert    ~~~

Fundraiser for Canadian Cancer Society


May 16, 2015   Saturday  7.30 pm

UBC Chan Centre

The Daffodil Concert celebrating the 20th Anniversary of < B.C. Chinese Music Association > & < B.C. Chinese Orchestra> also fundraising for < Canadian Cancer Society> will be held on May 16, 2015 Saturday 7:30 p.m. at the UBC Chan Centre For The Performing Arts.


This concert presents a unique showcase on the culture of Chinese ethnic instrumental music enhancing multiculturalism in BC.  The concert brings together the maestro and the new generation of brilliant young musicians to feature both traditional and contemporary Chinese repertoires for our music lovers.


Don’t miss this opportunity to enjoy the joint performance of the B.C. Chinese Orchestra conducted by Ray Zhuo, B.C. Youth Chinese Orchestra conducted by Gloria Wong, the BC Children’s Choir conducted by Dorothy Choi together with B.C. Chinese Music Ensemble : Suona soloist – Zhong-Xi Wu, Zhongruan soloist – Ge-Ling Jiang to be presented in this musical extravaganza.  The programs are :


            Orchestra:                               Jasmine, Great Wall Capriccio, Sketches of Tibetans at Sichuan

            Suona Concerto:                           Lady Hua Mu-Lan  /  Soloist :  Zhong-Xi Wu

            Zhongruan Concerto:                Music Poem at Frontier   /  Soloist :  Geling Jiang

           Erhu Soli:                                        Return from Pasture  /  Soloist : Nicole Li
           Pluck Ensemble:                          Travel around the World  / 

            Percussion & Orchestra:          Tigers Grinding Teeth

            Choir & Orchestra:                    BC Children’s Choir, BC Youth Chinese Orchestra               


This is a fundraiser concert for charity with all net proceeds going to Canadian Cancer Society. Tickets at prices of $25.00, $35.00, $45.00 and $100.00 VIP will be available at Ticket Master and few locations.  You can contact the organizer – B.C. Chinese Music Association by phone at 604-327-8807or by e-mail at for ticketing information.

Let us enjoy the beautiful music to support the cultural and charitable events for the community.  Your presence and sponsorship are most welcome.


【   庇詩中樂協會 ~ 庇詩中樂團成立廿週年           】

  <  廿載絲竹楓葉情  >  慈善音樂會

 【 為加拿大防癌協會-勇闖明天籌款 】



【庇詩中樂協會】與【庇詩中樂團】慶祝成立二十週年的《廿載絲竹楓葉情》音樂會,將於五月十六日星期六晚七時卅分,在陳氏演藝中心音樂廳舉行,介紹動聽傳統及近代的民樂名曲,並為《加拿大防癌協會 – 勇闖明天》慈善籌款演出。


請欣賞由名家卓汭仕指揮加拿大最具水準的【庇詩中樂團】,黃雅恩指揮【庇詩青年中樂團】,蔡崇真指揮【庇詩兒童合唱團】,聯同【庇詩華夏樂團】嗩吶演奏家:吳忠喜,中阮演奏家:江革玲 – 分別以樂器獨奏、齊奏、恊奏和合奏形式,為喜愛中樂的朋友,表演不容錯過的精彩樂曲 :


合奏                                茉莉花、台灣追想曲、川藏素描、

嗩吶協奏曲                   花木蘭                              獨奏:吴忠喜

中阮協奏曲                   塞外音詩                 獨奏:江革玲

二胡齊奏曲                   牧歸

弹撥樂合奏                   亜凡提世界週游

敲擊與樂隊                   老虎磨牙

                                                            合唱與樂隊             庇詩兒童合唱團, 庇詩青年中樂團




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