BCCO 2016 Annual Concert
【黃河 – 名曲頌親恩音樂會】
B C Chinese Music Association is proud to announce
The BC Chinese Orchestra 2016 Annual Concert
featuring Yellow River Piano Concerto
成立了二十多年的庇詩中樂團, 將於五月十四日星期六在列治文佳藝劇院舉行《黃河 – 名曲頌親恩》音樂會, 希望藉著經典名曲向天下父母親表達敬意。這次音樂會的重點節目是著名大型曲目《黃河鋼琴協奏曲》;節目還包括加拿大首演的大樂隊伴奏粵曲女聲獨唱《紫釵記之劍合釵圓》;我們也將為大家演出二胡/大提琴雙協奏由周杰倫作曲的《菊花台》, 還有廣東音樂《步步高》和《柳浪聞鶯》等等。
是次音樂會不但節目豐富, 演出陣容也十分鼎盛。庇詩中樂團作為北美其中一個最具規模的中樂團,演出當晚台上將有接近 60 多個樂手,由名家卓汭仕指揮,一同為觀眾演奏這些精彩曲目。一年一度的音樂會更是中樂愛好者所期待的, 相信當晚一定座無虛席。
合奏 瑤族舞曲,沙迪爾傳奇
鋼琴協奏 黃河鋼琴協奏曲
子喉獨唱與樂隊 春江花月夜/紫釵記之紫釵遺恨
廣東音樂 步步高,柳浪聞鶯
二胡、大提琴與樂隊 菊花台
BC Chinese Orchestra will be hosting the 2016 Annual Concert on Saturday May 14th at Richmond Gateway Theater.
The highlight of the concert is the Yellow River Piano Concerto, a masterpiece that describes the majestic scenery of the Yellow River in China. Lawrence Wang, a wonderful and award-winning pianist, will collaborate with the orchestra to showcase this piece. In addition, a wide spectrum of pieces including popular pieces from Cantonese Opera, Erhu and Cello concerto of a pop song from Taiwanese singer Jay Chou, Cantonese music, and a few other famous orchestral pieces.
BC Chinese orchestra was formed in 1995 with the goal of promoting Chinese music culture in a Western society. We have grown from a five piece ensemble to a full orchestra of over 60 musicians. We hope that our concert will provide you with a wonderful and memorable night.