Free Lecture-Recital with Ms. Guilian Liu on Dec. 3

Published by Maggie Lu on


“Insights Along my Musical Journey”

Drop in on Saturday, Dec. 3 for an inspiring lecture-recital with Ms. Guilian Liu! Part of the BCCMA’s Enrichment Series, this free event does not require registration and will be held at the BCCMA, at #303-8495 Ontario St., Vancouver, on Dec. 3 at 7:30pm.

In this lecture-recital, Ms. Guilian Liu, acclaimed pipa performer and teacher, speaks about lessons learned in her journey as a musician in China and Canada. She shares wisdom about her daily discipline of practice, her methods of preparation for performance, her attitudes toward musical partnerships, especially cross-cultural musical partnerships, and her outlook on being a professional musician both in China and in Canada. The event will allow opportunity for the audience to converse with Ms. Liu on different musical topics. Musicians in the audience will leave with a fresh perspective on how to continue to develop as a musician of Chinese music in Canada. Ms. Liu will speak in Mandarin with translation provided by Dr. Gloria Wong.



與劉桂蓮老師主講的《淺談音樂道路上的點點滴滴》將於 12 月 3 日晚上 7:30 在 BCCMA 舉行,地址為 #303-8495 Ontario St., Vancouver。此活動屬於《中国音乐之美》讲座系列之一免費參加、無需報名!


在這場分享,劉老師將會用中文呈現,現場會有 Dr. Gloria Wong 的即席英文翻譯。

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